Birds, Bugs, and Blooms

August 5th - September 24th, 2022

Artragreous Art Group’s

“Where?” by Lura Wilhelm, acrylic

“Birds, Bugs, and Blooms,” was the cooperative work of “Artrageous Art Group,” a team of middle and high school visual art teachers local to the North State. Artists Torri Pratt, Tamara Watson, Elizabeth Brown, Lura Wilhelm, Kathy Trueblood, Sandra Fisher, and Erika Warmington masterfully weaved bright colors and unexpected textures throughout the gallery. Acrylic paint, ceramics, corn-starched fabric, and even ash from Redding’s 2018 Carr Fire were just some of the media used to create the 50+ unique pieces on display. “Birds, Bugs, and Blooms” was shown in Redding’s Old City Hall Art Center from August 5th-September 24th.